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Subject Lead: Mr J Saunders


At St Thomas More School we believe it is important for our children to develop a deep sense of curiosity for the world, its people and the impact that they can have on our world.

Through well-informed and adaptive teaching, children will develop a fascination for the world in which they live, both at a local, national and global level as well as understanding how human and physical environments are interconnected. Teaching will ensure children develop a rich vocabulary through which they can explore the world around them.


A St Thomas More Geographer will:

  • Understand the human and physical features of a landscape.
  • Be able to gain an understanding of an area through maps and digital photographs
  • Undertake fieldwork to explore and discover human and physical features in a landscape.
  • Understand the similarities and differences between living in Peterborough and other parts of the world.
  • Understand their impact on their environment.


Geography in EYFS is focused on developing children’s understanding of the world around them. Beginning with where they live in Peterborough and exploring the school grounds.

In the school garden children will experience changes in weather, observe seasonal variations and explore how plants grow. Further opportunities to understand the world around them are provided through forest skills, pond dipping and by discussing what they can see and hear.

Children will begin to recognise similarities and differences between where they live and other places through stories, experiences, photos and appropriate non-fiction texts.

KS1 and KS2

Once in KS1 children will build and develop their Geographical skills from EYFS through understanding of place by learning about the 4 countries of the United Kingdom.

As they progress through school, their understanding of Peterborough will then be used as a basis to study other places around the world. Themes will include focusing on the similarities and differences, understanding how the places are connected and highlighting the importance of taking care of our planet.

Children will begin to develop the skills of mapping, using digital resources and physical maps to understand how a place can be recorded. Field trips in all year groups will support class-based learning by providing opportunities to see how the things they have learnt are relevant to the real world and give practical experience of field work techniques.

It is important that children develop a good understanding of their impact on the environment and have opportunities to make a positive difference.

Children are given opportunities through recycling workshops, litter picking, The Big Spring Clean, walking, biking or scooting to school initiatives and links with Peterborough Council’s climate change team, to explore ways in which they can have a positive impact on their local environment and feel empowered to help with climate change.